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Managing Pasture for the Drought Resilient Farm

Eastern gamagrass pasture looking good despite only 50% of average ainfall for previous 12 months

Author of The Drought Resilient Farm


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photo of Dale Strickler in drought-resilient pasture

Dale Strickler

Agronomist, Rancher, Author

I am Dale Strickler, an agronomist for Agspire, a Kansas rancher, and author of the books The Drought Resilient Farm, Managing Pasture, and The Complete Guide to Restoring Your Soil. The Drought Resilient Farm is a compilation of techniques for increasing the ability of soil to capture more rainfall, hold more moisture, and increasing the ability of plants to extract more moisture from the soil. A second section discusses methods of providing feed and water to pastured livestock during drought. The book also contains a plan for creation of a more moisture efficient system of agriculture in the semi-arid plains and steppe regions.  I am also available for speaking engagements and welcome visitors.

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